President at The American Chamber of Commerce of Uganda
Opening remarks Andrew Banturaki
Andrew Banturaki (Country manager, CSquared)
Andrew Banturaki
Country Manager - Uganda at CSquared Limited
Opening Key note • ATC Uganda Mark Turyamureba
Mark Turyamureba
Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at ATC Uganda
Policy Panel Rebecca Mukite•Jonathan Adengo•Joshua Akandwanaho•Monica Rose Nyakaisiki•Amos Mpungu
Bridging the Digital Divide: Policy, People and Partnerships. This theme addresses the digital divide through effective policies, strategic partnerships, and the involvement of the private sector.
Moderator: ATC Uganda.
Rebecca Mukite
Telecommunications Engineer at Uganda Communications Commission
Jonathan Adengo
Public Affairs Manager at ATC Uganda
Joshua Akandwanaho
IT Services Expert at National Information Technology Authority of Uganda (NITA-U)
Monica Rose Nyakaisiki
Deputy Director – Information Systems and Head of Department at Kampala Capital City Authority.
Amos Mpungu
Principal IT Officer at Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, Uganda.
Networking Break
Opening Keynote • Side B Partners John Brittell
John Brittell
Managing Partner at Side B Group
Bi-lateral Panel John Brittell•Sander Glas•Renita Nabisubi•Rita Ngenzi
Unlocking Investment Opportunities in ICT Infrastructure. This theme focuses on donor opportunities, investment strategies, and private-sector partnerships to improve ICT infrastructure: (Moderator: John Brittell, Side B Partners)
John Brittell
Managing Partner at Side B Group
Sander Glas
Programme Officer at International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Renita Nabisubi
Mastercard Foundation
Rita Ngenzi
National Coordinator for the Youth Startup Academy Uganda at International Trade Centre (ITC)
Networking Break
Opening Keynote • Yellow Card Abel Namureba
Abel Namureba
Country Manager at Yellow Card Financial Uganda Limited
Private Sector Panel Kenneth G Semafumu•Abel Namureba•John Ssegwanyi•Mark Turyamureba•James Byaruhanga
Navigating the Future Connectivity & Collaboration. This theme explores new opportunities, policies, and partnerships that will shape tomorrow's digital landscape
Kenneth G Semafumu
Managing Director of KSG IT (U) Ltd
Abel Namureba
Country Manager at Yellow Card Financial Uganda Limited
John Ssegwanyi
CTO at CSquared Limited
Mark Turyamureba
Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at ATC Uganda
James Byaruhanga
General Manager at Raxio Data Centre
Lunch & Networking
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